Indian Hawthorn

UsesGroundcover, Hedge
Common Names
Scientific NameRhapidophyllum hystrix
Cold HardinessYes
Light NeedsBest growth in full sun
FlowerPink Flower
Water NeedsModerately drought tolerant
LeavesMedium Green
Length of LifePerennial
Mature Height 2-5 Feet
Indian Hawthorne
Indian Hawthorne

A gardener’s delight and a beautiful specimen, the Indian Hawthorne is a low maintenance shrub and the medium pink flowers against the dark leaves lends a gentle note to the landscape. Used as a screen hedge it’s dense, showcase growth pattern serves your property lines informally and sets the tone for an organic landscape design. This evergreen thrives well in full sun, but will develop leaf spots if placed in total shade.

Originating from southern China, it is a traditional plant in southern United States and grows well in Orlando gardens. Some landscapes feature them as dwarf-like trees that reach 15 feet, planted in a series along the walkway to the front door, or as a stand-alone specimen in a tree well. The Hawthorne has a practical application in China. The fruit is edible and when cooked, makes a tasty jam. Nice.


Buy at an Orlando Nursery near you

  • Pokey’s Lake Jem Citrus Nursery

    3259 N. Orange Blossom Trail Zellwood, FL 32798

    Only Fruit Trees, no shipping