Loquat Tree

Species NameEriobotrya japonica
Common NamesJapanese medlar, Japanese Plum, Chinese Plum
Hardiness Zones7a-11, Cold Hardy
Fruit SeasonLate Winter – Early Spring
Seed DensityLow
Flower ColorWhite
BloomsFall, Early Winter
Mature Height10-20 Feet
Mature Canopy8-10 Feet
Growth RateMedium
Loquat Tree
Loquat Tree

Southeastern China is the Loquat’s original home, then later transplanted into Japan and became adapted quite readily over 1,000 years ago. It has since traveled to India and many other southern Asia locations. Its journeys make it a very hardy and easy to care for landscape specimen. However, too much humidity and cool temperatures hinder its fruiting capacity. Alternatively, the Loquat does well in a large tub that can be moved to protect it.

Their leaves are a showcase feature before their harvest season—featuring a glossy appearance and measured at 5-12 inches long and 3 to inches wide. The fruit is yellow and round—sometimes pear-shaped–and very attractively clustered. This handsome tree is well placed by a door to harvest the benefit of the small, white, sweetly fragrant flowers in the fall or early winter. They will produce better quality fruit if you give them regular, deep irrigation, however they don’t tolerate standing water, so be sure they’re above ground level. An orchard of them would be lovely, but given less space, they contribute a glamorous specimen for your landscaping design.


Buy at an Orlando Nursery near you

  • Pokey’s Lake Jem Citrus Nursery

    3259 N. Orange Blossom Trail Zellwood, FL 32798

    Only Fruit Trees, no shipping