Orlando’s temperate climate is the perfect environment to create an individualized landscape, and the options are virtually endless. Everything from palm trees to big shady oaks, blooming shrubs to brightly colored annuals thrive here, but occasional winter freezes can make choosing plants on your own difficult. Our expert advice can help you select hardy plants that will survive a chilly winter without having to worry about cold weather protection or springtime replacement. Semi-tropical Orlando is a haven for exotic flowers, and the warm weather makes it possible to enjoy year-round color with a variety of blooming perennials including azaleas, camellias and gardenias that blossom one after another to create a stunning non-stop display.
LaFleur Landscaping is a high-end landscaping company that specializes in working with homeowners to execute their vision. Happy customers are our first priority. Our experience plus your imagination equals the landscape you’ve been looking for.
Case Study 1 – Starting from Scratch
This home started out as a collection of mismatched palms and uneven plantings. The two Eugenia topiaries flanking the front entrance are the only holdovers from the original design. Now a trim fuchsia-flowered Loropetalum hedge nestles against the building, creating a boundary between the house and the garden and flowing seamlessly into a lower hedge of blooming azaleas. Once hidden by overgrown foliage, the front door is now easy accessible by a tidy path lined with a variety of flowering plants.
Two fast-growing and sturdy Ligustrum trees, one flanked by gold mound and the other encircled with juniper, add interest and balance. Blooming annuals will soon surround the decorative rock accents in the central flowerbed with bright seasonal color. Mondo grass was used for groundcover to add a simple touch of evergreen texture. Asiatic jasmine and knockout roses complete this semi-formal yet casual look.
Case Study 2 – Washingtonia Butterfly Garden
Two towering Washingtonia palms rising into the sky on either side of the house are the only original tenants of this completely re-landscaped yard. A bright green, neatly trimmed boxwood hedge runs down the sides of the residence, and the front flowerbed is filled with clustered Loropetalum and gardenias for constant waves of exotic color and scent. Two dark and glossy evergreen camellias near the entry will greet visitors with their showy blooms A butterfly garden composed of flowering perennials occupies the side yard across the driveway
Hibiscus, society garlic, Dianthus, chickweed, gardenias, asters and Dipladenia beckon butterflies and hummingbirds to linger on sunny spring and summer days. Pale green Texas sage planted behind both palms will grow to enclose the home, pulling the look together and providing a backdrop to the blooming plants while providing a natural and unobtrusive privacy screen from the house next door.
Case Study 3 – Formal Elegance
Creating the look of European luxury in the heart of Orlando, two perfectly matched and hand-selected Eagleston hollies draw the eye and provide the focal point in this manicured formal landscape. A series of neatly trimmed hedges create a symmetrical, geometric design that artfully frames the home within. Two pre-existing Queen palms rise majestically into the sky, lending a tropical touch to the scene below Golden boxwood lines the walkway, adjacent to a wider row of beautiful blooming Loropetalum. A row of evergreen Burfordi Holly snakes along the foundation, where it will mature into a bright green border. Echoing rows of blue juniper and Asiatic jasmine flow forward, creating an effortless wave of variegated greenery that will be seasonally sprinkled with bright red berries and sweetly scented blooms. Clusters of flowering annuals at the edges of the borders add seasonal color and soften the uniform lines of this design.
Let our expertise execute your vision.

Shade Tolerant Landscape
If your lawn is sheltered by a large, shady oak tree or has a northern exposure, and you’ve resigned yourself to a patchy lawn, don’t give up. We can help. Let us create a breathtaking mature landscape of blooming plants that thrive in the shadows of larger trees. A mix of variegated azaleas, camellias, gardenias, Mondo grass and Asiatic jasmine can blanket your yard with year-round greenery and color. We’ll help you understand the requirements of a shade tolerant landscape and how to ensure your plants continue to thrive. Oak trees have deep, spreading root structures that pull the water and nutrients from the soil. Plants cultivated beneath them need special care, including regular watering and fertilization. Homes with a few smaller trees or northern exposures can blossom into bowers of plants that thrive in the shade. With our help, you can transform an ordinary lawn into something spectacular.

Florida Native Landscape
Conserve water and embrace the beauty of Florida without sacrificing quality. Florida’s climate and abundant sunshine make it home to more native plant species than any other state. Both practical and striking, native plants are naturally suited to local soils, drought tolerant, cold hardy and generally more resistant to diseases and pests. Choose from specimen trees ranging from majestic Southern Magnolias to queen, sable and European palms. A wide variety of flowering shrubs, hollies, native groundcover and grasses can be used to create a colorful palette that is environmentally friendly and reflects your love of your home state.

Low Maintenance
Many busy homeowners want to create a stunning home landscape without investing hours weekly in routine care and maintenance. Trust us to deliver. We have a wide understanding of the growth patterns of both native and non-native plant species and can design a plan that requires little or no additional time investment. As always, we consider your preferences. We can help you choose from flowering shrubs, hedges and border plants that maintain a consistent size and need no pruning for the first year. We set it so you can forget it. Spend your weekends relaxing in your garden instead of working in it.

Transform your home into a showplace with custom landscaping by LaFleur
LaFleur Nurseries & Garden Center

About LaFleur Landscaping
LaFleur is a full-service retail and wholesale nursery, garden center and landscaping company in Sanford, Florida. We proudly serve the entire Greater Orlando area.

Landscaping Services
At LaFleur, we take each job seriously and every customer comes first. We understand that your home is your sanctuary, and that’s why we develop designs that fulfill your expectations, not ours. At LaFleur, we want every homeowner to be personally involved in the landscaping process from initial design to final execution. After a free initial consultation and site survey, we create an electronic design blueprint and bring you into the nursery so that you can personally choose the plants that work for you.
Owner Lance LaFleur has over thirty years’ experience in both residential and commercial landscape design. He holds a degree in Horticulture and as a Project Manager with the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority he oversaw major developments including the installations along 408, the landscaping at Orlando International Airport and the sound wall plantings on I4. He has dedicated his entire career to the study of plants and landscaping, and he takes pride in his continuing commitment to excellence and customer service.
LaFleur Landscaping offers maintenance contracts that guarantee every tree and plant we sell, and we’ll happily replace frost damaged plants at no charge to you. Even if you’re not a returning customer, bring in a sample and the “Plant Doctor” will diagnose diseases and pests. Drop by or give us a call today.